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undocumented migrants: Never Again!

Gerald Kicanas, in his article “Never Again!” published in the magazine America on November 3, 2003, discusses about there are similar between migrants trying to come into USA and concentration camps during World War II. What and who can give migrants more help.
Gerald saw two concentration camps and was “… horrified, shocked, in disbelief.” Then He asked the question “ How did society stand silent and not shout out?”  because of millions people were killed. He traveled with other religious leaders, they went to a migrant shelter in Altar Mexico. they met 22 men who had just get there. they witnessed overcrowded conditions of men, women, and children trying to escape to make a better life. Migrants pay $ 1,800.00 to be smuggled into the United States.   Although there are many who fear the illegals, but they are like most everyone , they love their children and families only want a better life. 
When they saw migrant's living conditions at the shelter, it reminded them again about the living conditions in the World War II concentrations camps.  They wanted to “… speak up and not stand by idle.” They designed five steps to help migrant. First, the Mexican Government must help out. Second, Mexico & the United States must achieve action plans to help out. Third, Mexico and the United States need to work together to develop a just border and immigration policy. Fourth, people must be educated to see what is happening with immigrants when they try to enter the United States. At the article end, the author has many questions need answers by his visiting and wondering after he finished his travel.  And he ended all questions by the teacher's words “Never Again” and posted it at a concentration camp.
A Mexican migrant tries to avoid being seen by U.S. border
patrol agents in the Calexico Desert of California in 2001. 
Tens of thousands of illegal migrants are caught
each year by agents in this region alone.
In this whole article I found comparing the World War II concentration camps with migrant shelters disturbing. They are totally different by the freedom. The Jews prisoners will be killed and they no freedom, But the migrants can leave anytime and taking care by the limited resources.  I am very disappointed in his five steps plan.  I hear the same news every day. However, they do not deserve pity and government help because they moved to other countries illegally (see right photo). Those migrants choose to move other countries why other countries have to fix their life problems. No Way!😞


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